My name is
David Stewart

I assist in facilitating personal transformation and create experiences that are compelling, fun and entirely esoteric.

To me, magic is very real. It is the source of creation.


“I create as I speak"

But this magic word has been lost to history. When we think of magic, we might also think of secrecy. As they say, “A magician never reveals the secret”.

Its power has been kept secret, the kind of power we feel when we say Hallelujah.

I discovered it when studying for my high school exams. I witnessed a decline in the health of someone very special to me and I had a lot of questions:

Why do people experience depression?
What do we do about it?
What do we do about the complex problems people face?

I found a book on the bookshelf titled The Power Of Positive Thinking which led me down the path of psychology and therapy. After successfully completing my high school exams with surprisingly good grades, I was faced with 3 months of summer holidays with nothing to do except play the drums, skate and learn card tricks on YouTube.

I wondered… How does a person get hypnotized?
How can a person be turned into a chicken?!
I bought some books and tried it on my older brother, Jonny.

Since then I have performed shows around the world for hundreds of amazing audiences and help people to work through challenges, fears and pain to live a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. Jonny is still pecking for food.